Your Comments

KoolrPix was made for YOU!

Alright, we admit that we’re almost as addicted to KoolrPix as anyone could possibly be, but we did have you in mind as we were developing all the ideas and tools that we have built into the KoolrPix iKoolr engine.  We want you to have as much fun using KoolrPix as we had building and using it.  We do recognize that with input from people like you, we can only make KoolrPix better!

We value your input and hope that you will share your thoughts, comments and suggestions with us.  We promise to read everything and answer particular questions as they arise.





One thought on “Your Comments

  1. Hi–Very nice site and concept! I was wondering about your policies concerning using a bit of animation on your site? There is an animated housefly on the old Koolrpix site which I would like your permission to use in a web project I am working on. I receive no money for these projects (they are multimedia short stories created for the web, and they are non-commercial–in fact, I lose money on them), and I would be happy to give Koolrpix credit for the animation on the credits page of the story. Is this something I would be able to do? Many thanks for any help on this, and again, great site!

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